Acupuncture Clinic near Pompano Beach
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture is a healing art that originated in ancient China. It is a derivative of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Documents describing the practice date back to the first century BCE, while some believe archaeological evidence points to a much earlier origin: possibly as early as 8,000 years ago.
More people have been treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine than any other medicinal practice in the history of the world. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles throughout your skin at strategic points on your body. According to research, a key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain (Mayo Clinic, 2016).
The medical theory of acupuncture centers on the concept of energy Qi (pronounced “chee”). Qi flows through the body's pathways, known as meridians. Meridians match certain organs or groups of organs. Most imbalances in the body are caused by blockages in the meridians.
In an attempt to unblock or otherwise redirect the flow of blood and energy, acupuncturists insert very thin needles into specific points throughout the skin tissue. These points are called acupoints. There are different ways of counting acupoints, but most systems catalog about 350-400 such points. Needles are not the only things used in treatments but other modalities involved in TCM as well.
Acupuncture Treatments & Modalities Near Pompano Beach
Tuina – Tuina is a form of Chinese manual therapy. This involves using compression, joint manipulation, pinching, vibrations, and deep rubbing on the acupuncture points to balance yin and yang in your body.
Moxibustion – This is a bundle of a dried herb called mugwort, which is burned and used for heat and to raise the body's natural energy while stimulating circulation. The physician will hold it close to the area being treated, sometimes using techniques such as placing a piece of ginger on the skin and letting the moxa sit on top to burn. Your physician uses moxa to stimulate the flow of qi in your body. Moxibustion will never be used around the eyes or other sensitive areas, with anyone suffering from cardiovascular diseases, near irritated skin, or with pregnant women.
Electrostimulation – Is a technique used in conjunction with acupuncture needles. Two needles are placed in their acupoints, and electrostimulation is placed on each needle. A mild current is passed between the two needles for more stimulation, which is therefore used to enhance treatment benefits in certain ailments. Some contraindications of this would be pacemakers & pregnancy, impaired mental status, or over any wounds.
Auricular therapy – Like the rest of the body, the ear is a microsystem and can directly affect every other area of the body. The ear is actually one of the first parts of the body that is developed in vitro and one of the closest areas to the brain. There are many acupuncturists who solely use auricular acupuncture. By stimulating the ear it restores the balance between the central and peripheral nervous system stimulating balance. . Multiple things can be used for auricular acupuncture, such as needles, lasers, ear seeds, and magnets. Contraindications include an immunocompromised status, infection or a malignant tumor in that area, or current bleeding disorders.
Laser therapy – Laser acupuncture is defined as the stimulation of traditional acupuncture points with low-intensity, non-thermal laser irradiation laser therapy is great for patients who are unsure or afraid of needles, and especially for children. It is completely painless and has been shown to be just as effective as needles themselves. Several studies have reported that laser acupuncture is effective for the treatment of many diseases, such as chronic tension headache, fibromyalgia, and chronic neck pain. Lasers are not recommended for cancer patients or anyone that you do not want more cell growth with.
Bloodletting- When you see the word blood this can scare many people but this technique has great benefits. Usually done on a finger, toe, or even the ear, this technique releases excess heat that is built up in the body, in return taking away symptoms such as fevers or swelling in an area and aiding in the balance of blood in the body.
Magnets & ear seeds - Much like laser therapy, magnets, and ear seeds are great for people who experience needle phobia. Although the ear is in the name, the “seeds” can be used at any acupuncture point on the body and can fall off naturally - therefore, giving the patient access to stimulating it long after the treatment has ended and they’ve left the office, making the benefits last longer and on the patients’ terms.
Cupping - Cupping is a technique used for many ailments from pain to cough or asthma. This ancient medical procedure relies upon creating a localized suction vacuum with fire or a device to mobilize blood flow. This blood flow thereby aids in the drainage of the lymphatic system.
What to expect on a visit to our Acupuncture Clinic near Pompano Beach:
From the moment you arrive at the entrance of either our Plantation or Wilton Manors, FL offices, you will be greeted by one of our smiling and caring team members.
They will then take your temperature and escort you to your private treatment room where they will offer you a warming cup of tea and water.
Your physician will then greet you and review your medical history, laboratory results, and any medications or supplementation you are currently taking.
The physician will then be a detective asking you many questions about how you feel, and what your day consists of such as; asking things such as your bowel movements, eating habits, sleeping patterns, pain levels, and even your sweat.
They will then ask to see your tongue and feel your pulse on both wrists. When looking at your tongue they are looking for things such as the coating quality, coating color, the color of the body of the tongue, shape, position, whether it’s thin or puffy, etc. The tongue shows us what has been happening in the body for the last three days or so, whereas the pulse tells us what’s happening right then and there.
With their findings, they will develop a protocol on where they will strategically place the acupuncture needles. Our treating physicians never leave anything out or do any modality without first informing and consulting the patient in front of them.
What Can Acupuncture Treat?
We want to help you make the best possible choices regarding the health of yourself and your family.
The practitioners of Eastern Acupuncture and Wellness treat several ailments through acupuncture. They include but are not limited to:
Allergies • Anxiety • Addiction • Smoking Cessation • ADD/ADHD • Weight Loss • PMS • Stroke • Back Pain • Neck Pain • Knee Pain • Anxiety • Depression • Diabetes • Slow Development in Children • Pediatrics • Carpal Tunnel • Geriatrics • Plantar Fascitis • Sciatica • Tennis Elbow • Trigger Finger • Neuropathy • Sprains • Spams • Kidney Stones • Gallstones • Fatigue • Vertigo • Trauma • Gout • High Cholesterol • Acne • Asthma • Bell’s Palsy • Nausea • Dental Pain • Vomiting • Ulcers • Reflux • Vertigo • IBS • Colic • Colitis • Shingles • Eczema •Sexual Dysfunction • Lactation • Cysts • PCOS • Libido • Sore Throat • Urinary Issues • Prostate • Tonsillitis • UTI • Dysentery • Constipation • Stress • Gastrointestinal • Immune • Cardiovascular • Cold • Fever • Dementia • Facial Rejuvenation• Fertility • Fibromyalgia • Frozen Shoulder • Headaches • Hypertension• Headache • TMJ • PTSD • Fibromyalgia• Insomnia • Sleep Issues • Hormones • Arthritis • Autoimmune Disease • Bursitis • Bladder Infection • IBS & Chrons Disease • Irritability •Menopause and much more.
Our team of talented Physicians and Doctors in Broward county
Dr. Jennifer Cruz., AP., DAOM
Dr. Tai Johnson., AP., DAOM
Dr. Taina Rodriguez., AP., DAOM
Dr. Lisa Shields., AP. Board Certified
Hristina Dimova., AP., Board Certified
Dr. Lyndi Love., AP., DAOM
All of our Doctors and Physicians collaborate to give our patients exactly what they need. On top of collaboration, they go above and beyond combining a wide range of modalities from acupuncture, to moxibustion, to cupping so that each treatment has the most benefit and long-lasting effect. Call us today for your complimentary consultation.