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Autism Spectrum Disorder and Traditional Chinese Medicine

There is a lot of information out there on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and much of it can be confusing for parents and loved ones. Some people may be wondering if traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) could help manage ASD symptoms. In this post, we'll explore some of the basics of TCM and how it could potentially benefit those with ASD. This is not an exhaustive list. Each person's situation should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare professional.

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, is a blanket diagnosis given primarily to children as early as eighteen months. It describes a series of signs and symptoms that exhibit both neurological and social abnormalities. Within this spectrum, there are varying degrees of social, behavioral, and communicative variations. Children are diagnosed after a neurologist, psychiatrist, or psychologist evaluates them extensively. 

A patient would have to display two types of restricted or repetitive behaviors, and one type of developmental delay to receive this diagnosis. Indicators include intensely focusing on a single item, unresponsiveness when prompted, an inability to distinguish social cues, limited or no eye contact, repetitive movements, and self-abusive behavior. These children may also experience delayed speech, a lack of empathy, and an incapacity to connect and relate to others in a social setting. They struggle to express themselves, and oftentimes lash out in anger; screaming and crying, or completely withdrawing socially. 

What causes ASD?

While there is no known direct correlation between the rise of autism and any specific causative factor, there are several indicators in the pathophysiology of this condition that may suggest that this disorder is a result of a multitude of issues that we all face in modern society. Some of these factors include chronic inflammation due to stress on both the body and mind, as well as neurotoxins in our food and our environment. Toxins such as pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides are in the food we all consume. The mass storage of our food creates fungus and mold growth in our grains. Fish can sometimes have Mercury, a known neurotoxin. Moreover, the steroids injected in meats cause hormonal imbalances in the body.

Patients with ASD often have neurological, digestive, and immune systems compromised. Neurologically, patients tend to have a lack of circulation to the brain. This could be a result of the high levels of heavy metals found both in our food and our vaccines. The depletion of circulation creates an inflammatory response in the neurotransmitters, which in turn creates both physical and mental impairments. Patients oftentimes have food intolerances, allergic reactions to many foods, candida, and leaky gut syndrome. Patients are also known to exhibit signs of immunocompromisation. Issues like allergies, asthma, eczema, frequent infections, and autoimmune diseases are common in these patients. 

How does Traditional Chinese Medicine help?

Traditional Chinese Medicine views these symptoms from the perspective of polarity. Seeking to bring the patient back into balance is the main goal. All conditions can be quantified and categorized into yin, yang, qi, and blood. We further categorize symptoms into organ systems, excess and deficiency, hot and cold, dampness and dryness, and so on.

This practice of diagnosis is called pattern differentiation. We take into account both the patient's personal experience as well as our evaluation based on what presentation we see during treatment, including an evaluation of the tongue and pulse. These variables can shift and change throughout treatment. For example, when a patient presents with anger and aggression, manifesting with an eczema outbreak or rash, and constipation, with a rapid pulse and a red tongue body, we view these symptoms as heat. As a practitioner, the goal would be to clear the excessive heat and bring cohesiveness back to the body. 

What Treatments are There for Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Treatments depend solely on the presentation of the patient. Several patterns may all fall under the Western diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. They can present singularly, or as a combination of two or more patterns. The practitioner may use Chinese Herbal Formulas to treat the imbalances, or they may use homeopathic remedies. Both are effective. It is the responsibility of the practitioner to formulate a treatment plan that will be most effective in assisting the patient. 

In general, an ASD patient would benefit from a gluten, casin, sugar, and dairy-free diet. It is very difficult to eliminate these things, but even reducing the amount of consumption can improve the patient's condition. If dampness or candida is present, the use of probiotics and digestive enzymes can prove beneficial to the body's elimination process. Increasing the intake of organic fruits and vegetables can also reduce symptoms by supporting the body's immune system, and improving Liver function. 

Children with this condition can feel scared, confused, and feel isolated. A loving, supportive family unit may be the most effective aspect of treatment. It is paramount that the family is cohesive, working together towards the common goal of a happy, healthy family unit.

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