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Gua Sha Near Fort Lauderdale

Gua sha translates directly from the Chinese language as, “to scrape away fever.” Traditional Chinese Medicine has long believed illnesses, such as colds, get trapped on the exterior of our bodies. When this happens, they meet the “troops” of our immune system. Performing gua sha involves taking a specific gua sha tool and repeatedly rubbing or scraping the tool on the skin over the affected area. Blood Flow is decreased anytime we have a spasm or injury.  Both lactic and uric acid can get trapped underneath the skin or within a wound-up muscle due to a lack of drainage caused by the decreased blood flow. Gua Sha rectifies this. 

A gua sha tool can be made from any number of stones. The most commonly found in our society are made from;

  • Jade · Rose quartz

  • Crystalline · Copper

  • Etc.

Benefits of Our Gua Sha Therapy in Broward County

They are carved to form a firm, flat, and smooth surface. Each different stone used is said to have additional benefits. For example, jade is said to have similar properties to our qi and not only warms but balances us easier when in use. Because gua sha reduces inflammation, it’s often used to treat things with chronic pain and symptoms that accompany certain disorders. Some of these can include:

  • Arthritis · Fibromyalgia 

  • Hepatitis B · Migraine headaches 

  • Breast engorgement  · Neck pain

  • Tourette syndrome  · Perimenopausal syndrome 

Some other satisfying benefits can include relieving tension in our facial muscles and encouraging lymphatic drainage. This reduces the appearance of bloating and fine lines in the face, in return giving us that beautiful and natural glow. It’s also beneficial for a natural facelift as it lifts, tightens, and sculps our face if done correctly. Because it’s so relaxing it also activates our parasympathetic nervous system which is indeed what puts us in that relaxed trance. Another benefit is that it opens up the meridians in our body. Our meridians are our life force so by having them clear we are more in tune with not only our bodies but our surrounding world.

possible Side effects of Gua Sha

Similar to cupping, gua sha is very safe. Due to the rubbing or scraping of the skin, capillaries which are tiny blood vessels underneath the skin can burst. This causes slight bruising which will dissipate in 3-7 days. Another side effect can be a temporary indentation in the skin, which again should alleviate shortly after treatment. Gua sha is not meant to be a painful modality. It is important to communicate with your practitioner throughout the treatment to express signs of pain or discomfort.

Contraindications can include:

  • Sunburn, rashes, cuts, or bruising on the skin

  • Bleeding disorders including leukemia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia

  • Blood thinning medication

  • Acute injuries 

  • Any infectious skin disease

  • Malignant tumors or masses 

  • Acute cardiovascular disease

  • On the lower abdomen of women that are pregnant or menstruating 

*If you fall under any of these categories or are unsure please consult one of our Gua Sha physicians in Plantation or Wilton Manors, Florida prior to treatment.