
The Top Ailments to Treat With Acupuncture

Acupuncture helps treat health issues from neck pain to depression

Key takeaways:

  • Acupuncture helps treat ailments like allergies, anxiety, lower back pain, depression, and infertility, alone or in combination with conventional therapies. 

  • It relieves discomfort associated with a variety of conditions and their treatments, including chemotherapy-induced and postoperative nausea and vomiting, dental pain, migraines, and menstrual cramps. 

  • Patients suffering from anxiety, depression, stress, addictions, epilepsy, and insomnia tend to benefit from acupuncture. 

  • Acupuncture helps rebalance the body’s qi, which prompts it to release natural chemicals to fight an illness or its symptoms.

Many people’s fear of needles keeps them away from trying acupuncture. This fear is unwarranted, however, as the needles used in this Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy are nothing like those used for a shot at the doctor’s office. An acupuncturist’s needles are extremely thin, solid, and round at the tip and rarely cause a painful sensation

Acupuncture is a popular and beneficial treatment for a long list of health conditions. If you are curious about acupuncture in South Florida and what it can do for you, read on.  

What exactly is acupuncture?

A derivative of TCM, acupuncture is the thousands-year-old healing practice of penetrating the skin with very thin, solid, metallic needles. Through gentle and specific movements of the practitioner’s hands or via electrical stimulation, these needles are activated at strategic points on the patient’s body. This triggers a healing response. 

Acupuncture seeks to restore the flow of energy, or qi, throughout your body, while at the same time breaking up the blockages that are causing you pain. It helps patients regain balance and vitality naturally. Successful treatment depends on correctly diagnosing the pattern of the disorder. 

According to TCM, there are more than 1,000 acupuncture points on the body. These points lie on meridians, or pathways in the body. Each meridian is associated with a different organ system.

What are the effects of acupuncture?

The most common positive effect of acupuncture is the relief or reduction of pain. This age-old Chinese practice is viewed as an acceptable treatment for pain, including low back pain, neck pain, and osteoarthritis conditions. 

Another great outcome of acupuncture is that it brings deep relaxation and/or sleep. Falling asleep on the table is perfectly okay. 

Practitioners of acupuncture in South Florida treat several ailments and routinely experience positive results. They include, but are not limited to:

  • Immune system issues

  • Back, neck, and muscle pain

  • Arthritis

  • IBS

  • Cancer and cancer treatment side effects

  • Sports injuries

  • Headaches

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Low energy

  • Allergies

  • Infertility 

Combining acupuncture with other TCM modalities

Acupuncturists often combine their treatment with dietary considerations. By following TCM principles, they are trained in dietary management and taught how to properly subscribe vitamins, minerals, and herb regimens. 

They also work with patients to cultivate a positive life philosophy and lifestyle to enhance vitality and harmonize overall energy.  


Acupuncturists practice functional medicine. To determine the type of acupuncture that will benefit you most, practitioners require a 90-minute extensive initial evaluation. He or she will review all of your symptoms, behaviors, and lifestyle. They will go over the parts of the body that are painful, the color of your tongue and face, and the quality of the pulse in your wrist. A treatment plan will then be put into place. Typically, patients receive six to eight treatments but the number depends on the condition being treated and its severity. 

Are there risks?

With a competent, certified acupuncture practitioner using sterile needles, the risks of acupuncture are extremely low. Side effects may include soreness and minor bleeding or bruising at the source of insertion.  

Our clinic uses single-use, disposable needles which are industry-standard. The risk of infection is extremely minimal. Acupuncture should not be used in place of emergency care. 

Acupuncture at Eacuwell

Acupuncture has been very successful in relieving discomfort associated with a variety of diseases and conditions. If you are having difficulty managing pain or other issues with conventional methods, it is definitely worth a try. Acupuncture improves the body’s functions, promotes the natural self-healing process, and provides great relief for many ailments. 

If you are interested in trying acupuncture in South Florida to treat a variety of ailments, call us today for your complimentary consultation.

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