
Celebrating Our Independence Through a Pandemic

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This weekend we celebrate the signing of our country’s Declaration of Independence. On July 4th, 1776 the founding fathers sat down in a room and signed a document that declared the US free from Great Britain. People rejoiced and took in their newfound freedom with parades and gatherings. Two hundred and forty-four years later, we’re still celebrating.

We at Eastern Acupuncture & Wellness know how much sacrifice has been made to get where we are today and acknowledge how much further we need to come as a nation to have equality for all. United we stand, divided we fall.

From beach outings, to barbecues, to the timeless display of fireworks that we’re accustomed to on the fourth of July – this year we all know it looks extremely different. What once would’ve been a big gathering with our friends, loved ones, and strangers alike, has turned into a quaint social distancing affair – but who says different is a bad thing? With all these changes, as well as being separated from the things we’re used to, could come stress and anxiety. Leading up to this festive day, and even coming down from it, there are many things we could do to combat that. Some typical reasons we could be feeling these things are:

  • Separation anxiety from our loved ones

  • Feeling lonely or even helpless

  •  Fear of being around others due to the pandemic 

  • Fireworks going on into all hours of the night leading up to and after the holiday.

       These are only a few of the extremely valid reasons to feel any emotion that is coming your way during this difficult time. The first step of being able to work through these emotions is acknowledgement. Being able to recognize what you’re feeling is key to overcoming it. Other ways to help yourself during this time and all summer long are:

  • Meditation – We at Eacuwell cannot stress the benefits of meditation enough. Not only does it help get the qi moving freely through our channels, and reduce stagnation, but it also sharpens the mind, reduces stress & anxiety, increases compassion, and could even give you more positive relationships over time

  • Acupuncture – By keeping up with your regular treatments you’re helping your immune system stay intact. Your immune system being up and not having any deficiencies eases the mind without you even realizing it

  • Exercise – Regular exercise boosts your levels of serotonin. The more serotonin we keep activated in our bodies the happier we are. Not only does it keep our serotonin flowing but it also increases our energy levels giving us more efficiency and awareness of what is happening internally 

  • Facetiming or Zooming our friends & families – Although, it’s not the same as being in person, just seeing the faces and hearing the voices of the people we care about relaxes our systems. Make it fun by playing a silly game or just plain old catching up – we know you won’t regret it 

Times are challenging, and separation from what our norm is makes any person more introspective. By taking a few simple steps this Fourth of July weekend to relax, take your mind off the world around you, and celebrate our country can make all the difference. Our Eastern Acupuncture & Wellness family wishes you a safe and happy holiday weekend.

Eastern Acupuncture And Wellness Plantation:

Eastern Acupuncture And Wellness Wilton Manors: